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Three arrows Shinsen
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Heizhugou area popular with many legends of ancient magic. Among them, the "three arrows spring," the legend of the most beautiful. Legend of ancient cattle when a man named Yi approved rate of people in the ditch Hercules hunting in the mountains they brought unknowingly drinking the water, three days later due to hunger and thirst, and all of a collapsed to the floor, vaguely in a batch of fairy cattle came around and said to him: "Hero ah, do not worry, the courage, the water is to be found." finish Wu Qi pointed to a place ribbon. Cattle batch awakened, refers to the direction along the fairy looked to see is a wall of steep rock, he confused, but think of fairies, he decided to pull the bow of God, shot three consecutive sky, lost all three spring spewing out from the steep rocks, so that fellow townsfolk survived. These three springs from is called the "three arrows spring."
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All rights reserved. © HeiZhuGou National Forest Scenic AreaAddress: Ebian County, Sichuan ProvinceZip: 614300 Tel 0833-5222137 Heizhugou Yi Heizhugou MC style hotel main station: 13890600288
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